TikTok Pixel - Web Usage Statistics and Market Share

Discover the power of data-driven decision making with our Web Usage Statistics and Market Share analytics of TikTok Pixel.

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Websites using TikTok Pixel

Description of TikTok Pixel:

TikTok Pixel is used by 0.37% of websites in the Analytics category.

Style & Fashion is the most popular main category among the websites using TikTok Pixel.

Beauty is the most popular subcategory among the websites that are using TikTok Pixel.

The technologies that are most often used together with TikTok Pixel are core-js, Open Graph, Facebook Pixel, Facebook, HSTS, Boomerang, Module Federation, webpack, HTTP/3, web-vitals.

Our AI based recommender engine (trained on 100 million data points) suggests that websites using TikTok Pixel may also be interested in using these other technologies: Litespeed Cache, Pinterest Conversion Tag, Twitter Ads, Snap Pixel, ParkingCrew, Twitter typeahead.js, PrestaShop, Alpine.js, Boomerang, theTradeDesk.

Top IAB Industry Verticals using TikTok Pixel

Top 10 technologies that are most often used together with TikTok Pixel

Technology% of use together with TikTok PixelWebsite
Open Graph83.73https://ogp.me
Facebook Pixel77.63http://facebook.com
Module Federation50.72https://webpack.js.org/concepts/module-federation/

Technologies that are most interesting for website using TikTok Pixel, as determined by our AI recommender

TechnologyAI Recommendation Score Website
Litespeed Cache0.21https://wordpress.org/plugins/litespeed-cache/
Pinterest Conversion Tag0.18https://www.pinterest.com.au/business/
Twitter Ads0.16https://ads.twitter.com
Snap Pixel0.16https://businesshelp.snapchat.com/s/article/snap-pixel-about
Twitter typeahead.js0.14https://twitter.github.io/typeahead.js

Distribution of domains using TikTok Pixel over IAB1 verticals

Introduction to TikTok Pixel

TikTok Pixel is a tracking tool that allows advertisers and marketers to measure the effectiveness of their TikTok ad campaigns. It works by placing a snippet of code on a website, which then tracks user behavior and provides data on conversions, click-through rates, and more. By using TikTok Pixel, businesses can optimize their ad spending and improve the overall performance of their campaigns on the popular social media platform.

Practical Applications of TikTok Pixel

1. Ad Targeting: TikTok Pixel can be used to track user behavior and interests, allowing marketers to target specific audiences with more personalized and relevant ads.

2. Conversion Tracking: By tracking actions taken on a website after a TikTok ad is clicked, businesses can measure the success of their campaigns and optimize their strategies accordingly.

3. Remarketing: TikTok Pixel can be used to create custom audiences of users who have already visited a website or taken a specific action, allowing businesses to retarget these users with relevant ads.

4. Audience Insights: By analyzing the data collected by TikTok Pixel, businesses can gain a better understanding of their target audience's behavior, interests, and preferences, and adjust their marketing strategies accordingly.

5. Attribution Modeling: TikTok Pixel can help businesses determine which marketing channels and campaigns are driving the most conversions and revenue, allowing them to allocate their budgets more effectively.

Benefits and Advantages of TikTok Pixel

- TikTok Pixel allows businesses to track conversions and measure the performance of their TikTok ad campaigns.
- It provides insights on audience behavior, allowing businesses to create more targeted and personalized ads.
- Through its retargeting feature, businesses can reach people who have already interacted with their content on TikTok.
- TikTok Pixel enables businesses to optimize their ad delivery to reach people who are most likely to take action, increasing the effectiveness of their ad spend.
- It can also help businesses understand how users are interacting with their website or app after clicking on a TikTok ad, providing valuable data for future marketing decisions.

Distribution of domains using TikTok Pixel over IAB2 verticals

Most popular websites using TikTok Pixel

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
microsoft.comTechnology & ComputingComputing7.82
etsy.comShoppingPersonal Celebrations & Life Events7.33
eventbrite.comEvents and AttractionsConcerts & Music Events7.13
squarespace.comBusiness and FinanceMarketplace/eCommerce6.74
hbr.orgBusiness and FinanceBusiness6.64
webmd.comMedical HealthDiseases and Conditions6.28
nyu.eduPersonal FinanceFinancial Assistance5.94
heart.orgMedical HealthDiseases and Conditions5.87
hypebeast.comStyle & FashionStreet Style5.87
stjude.orgHealthy LivingChildren's Health5.79

Less popular websites using TikTok Pixel

WebsiteIAB category 1IAB category 2OpenRank
china-ledlighting.comBusiness and FinanceIndustries0
iluree.comStyle & FashionBeauty0
jrt996.comHome & GardenGardening0
lakelandrehabandhealthctr.comHealthy LivingWellness0
ryanrealty.comReal EstateHouses0

Distribution of domains using TikTok Pixel over 1 million most popular domains

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Distribution of domains using TikTok Pixel over domain ages

The average age of websites using TikTok Pixel is 10.6 years.

The average page rank (measure of backlink strength) of websites using TikTok Pixel is 3.

5 technologies that are less often used together with TikTok Pixel

Technology% of use together with TikTok PixelWebsite
F5 BigIP0.0311https://www.f5.com/products/big-ip-services
ThemeGrill Accelerate0.0311https://themegrill.com/themes/accelerate
Ruby Receptionists0.0311https://www.ruby.com